Our Team
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
This is your Team section. It's a great place to introduce your team and talk about what makes it special, such as your culture or work philosophy. Don't be afraid to illustrate personality and character to help users connect with your team.

Co-founder - Mike Lim
Co-founder/director of InnoTrek since 2001, Mike is responsible for the development of the company and training of its personnel by creating various programs for students, facilitators and teachers alike. Mike’s background in the outdoors and sports stems back to his days as a Royal Ranger, school's leader, Commando and National Dragon Boater.
Mike spent 2 months training under The Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) on Basic Mountaineering recognised under UIAA. The course was conducted at 5400m above sea level in Nepal covering mountain navigation, Danger in Mountains, basic Ice Climbing and Mountain Rescue skills. Upon completion, he led a group to scale Fansipan (3140m) in SAPA, Vietnam and Poon Hill (3210M) in Ghorepani, Nepal. From the mountain to the sea, Mike continued his water training after spending 7 days in New Zealand with a renown Kayak School running down 3 of NZ's popular rivers, polishing his kills in paddling and rescue and most importantly, understanding them.
Master in Business Administration, University of Western Australia (24 Aug 2009)
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration, University of Western Australia (23 Jun 2008)
Dip. HRD, Singapore Institute of Management (28th May 2003)
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Ngee Ann Polytechnic (21st Aug 1995)
Basic Mountaineering Course, Alpine Association of Slovenia, Nepal Mountaineering Association (12th Jun – 25th July 2012)
New Zealand White Water Kayaking and Rescue course, NZ Kayak School (5th – 11th Dec 2012)
Certified Camp Director, Basic Camp Director’s Course, American Camp Association (26th Mar 2009)
Certificate in Designing & Facilitating Experiential Learning, STADA (22nd Nov 2002)
Certificate Behavioural Consultant (D.I.S.C.)
Neuro Linguistic Program (NLP) Practitioner (2nd May 2004)
Habitudes Trainer, Equipping Leaders for Asia, (21st Jun 2010)
Safety & Management of Challenge Ropes Course for Leaders (OBS & VI, Australia) (23rd Apr 2003)
Challenge Ropes Course Instructor (Certified by Ian Wade) (Nov 2006)
MOE Facilitation Course by Dr. Roger Greenaway (UK)
Archery Coach (FITA) (19 May 2005)
Abseiling Level 3 Coach (Singapore Mountaineering Federation)
Rock Climbing Level 2 (Singapore Mountaineering Federation)
Keel Boat Level 2 – Day Skipper
Dingy Sailing Level 1
Kayaking Coach Level 2 (Singapore Canoe Federation)
Kayaking 4 star-sea & open water (OBS) (18th – 21st Jan 2013)
Scout Unit Leader Training Course, The Singapore Scout Association (25th Feb 2006)
Power Boat Licence
Dragon Boat Technical Level 2 Coach (Singapore Dragon Boat Association)
Dragon Boat National Race Official, IDBF (2nd Apr 2006)
Life Saving 1,2,3 (Singapore Life Saving Society)
Standard First Aid
Certified Open Water Diver
Certified Swimming Coach, The Swimming Teachers’ Association (24th Nov 1999)
Yuying Secondary Youth Alumni Chairman (since 2011)
People Association Volunteer (Since 2012)
ACCT Challenge Course Manager (2019)

Managing Director - Tony Tan
With his zest for the outdoors arising from his passion to The Boys’ Brigade in Singapore, Tony holds a strong belief in the development and training of the youth. Merging his knowledge from his HR background with his ability in the outdoor setting, Tony has been able to tap into the hidden potential in people.
B.A. (Hons) in Human Resource Management (University of Portsmouth, UK)
American Camp Association certified Camp Director
Diploma in Computer Studies
Cert. Behavioural Consultant (D.I.S.C.)
The Leadership Challenge Facilitator
The Student Leadership Challenge Facilitator
Habitude Facilitator
Safety & Management of Challenge Ropes Course for Leaders (OBS & VI, Australia)
Challenge Ropes Course Instructor (Certified by Ian Wade)
Sembawang BB/GB Camp ‘Hang-Out’ Specialist Trainer
MOE Advance Trainer for Outdoor Adventure Facilities
Facilitation Course by Dr. Roger Greenaway
Standard First Aid
Keelboat Level 2 – Day Skipper
Power Boat Licensed
Life Saving 1,2,3 (Singapore Life Saving Society)
NAUI Advance Rescue Diver
Kayaking Coach Level 1 (Singapore Canoe Federation)
Rock Climbing Level 1
Abseiling Level 3 Leader (Singapore Mountaineering Federation)
Singapore Sports Council certified Sports Administrator
ACCT Challenge Course Manager (2019)
Enhanced Facilitation by Pivotal Learning (2019)
Process Facilitation by Pivotal Learning (2019)

Professional Development Manager - Michael Lim
As an avid Sea Scout, Michael spends a majority of his time devoting to better the youth with water sports. Today as a manager, he and his team manages the largest fleet of kayaks owned by a private vendor. A keen paddler since his early teens, he is a highly active coach and paddler, often out on the water paddling for himself or coaching others to either improve their own personal performance or to become coaches. Michael now shares the same passion he has for the seas with the wilderness and is always looking for ways to combine the two.
He has an extensive experience of leading and coaching adventure sports. Michael has coached and led sea kayaking trips; he now has his eye on a number of future challenges including open crossings, coastal explorations and trips that access remote sea cliff climbing from sea kayaks. His experience in managing people and coordinating programs makes him highly valued as a fellow facilitator and coach.
Known to many as a knowledgable person who is able to impart his skills to others, he has been a key figure in the team when it comes to facilitating programs.
Diploma in Business Administration
Specialised Diploma in Outdoor & Adventure Learning
Challenge Ropes Course Instructor ( Certified by Ian Wade)
MOE Instructor for Outdoor Adventure Facilities
Rock Climbing Level 1 ( Singapore Mountaineering Federation )
Rock Wall Instructor ( Singapore Scout Association )
Abseiling Level 3 Leader (Outward Bound Singapore)
Abseiling Instructor (Singapore Mountaineering Federation)
Team Challenge Pyramid Instructor (Singapore Scouts Association)
Innotrek Rope Course “Hang Out” Trainer
MOE Facilitation Course by Dr Roger Greenway
Emergency First Responder
Certified Outdoor First Aider
Standard First Aid
Keelboat Sailing Level 1
Kayaking Coach Level 4 (Singapore Canoe Federation)
PADI Dive Master
Power Pleasure Craft Driving Licensed
Recreational Dragon Boat Instructor (Singapore Dragon Boat Association)
Technical Level 1 Dragon Boat Coach (Singapore Dragon Boat Association)
Registered coach with National Registry of Coaches(Dragon Boat & Canoeing)
Unit Leader Training Advance Course (Singapore Scout Association)
Distinguished Service Bronze Medal (Singapore Scout Association)
Long Service 10 Years (Singapore Scout Association)
Chief Scout Commendation (Singapore Scout Association)
Basic Swift Water Rescue (New Zealand Kayak School)
ACCT Challenge Course Manager (2019)
Intermediate Whitewater Kayak Course (New Zealand Kayak School)
Kayaking Proficiency 4 STAR Personal Skill Award
NCAP Technical (Dragon Boat) Level 1
NCAP Technical (Canoeing) Level 2
NCAP Theory Level 2
ACCT Challenge Course Manager (2019)

Senior Operations Manager - Anuar Latiff
As a former Sea Scout with the Singapore Scouts, Anuar developed his love for the outdoors. Through his years of developing and running outdoor programs, Anuar has been the creative juice of the company.
As an international corporate facilitator, he has been complimented as “crazy and fun”. Many clients have benefited from his fantastic facilitation skills incorporating outdoor activities with D.I.S.C. profiling. With Anuar, facilitation is never a dull moment.
Diploma in Human Resource Management
American Camp Association certified Camp Director
Cert. Behavioural Consultant (D.I.S.C.)
Neuro Linguistic Programme Practitioner
Safety & Management of Challenge Ropes Course for Leaders (OBS & VI, Australia)
Challenge Ropes Course Instructor (Certified by Ian Wade)
Sembawang BB/GB Camp ‘Hang-Out’ Specialist Trainer
MOE Advance Trainer for Outdoor Adventure Facilities
Wilderness First Aid
Archery Coach (FITA)
Keelboat Level 2 – Day Skipper
Kayaking Coach Level 1 (Singapore Canoe Federation)
Life Saving Bronze Medallion (Singapore Life Saving Society)
Open Water Diver
Dragon Boat Coach (Singapore Dragon Boat Association)
Rock Climbing Level 2 (Singapore Mountaineering Federation)
Abseiling Level 3 Leader (Singapore Mountaineering Federation)
SAF Combat Medic
Outward Bound Australia 2001 (27 Day Classic Challenge)
Sarawak Community Project, Assistant Leader (Singapore Polytechnic)
A New Leaf (Project with Singapore Prison Department)
ACCT Challenge Course Manager (2019)
Enhanced Facilitation by Pivotal Learning (2019)
Intentional Adventure Programming by Pivotal Learning (2019)

Senior Program Manager - Shima Ali
Shima is well verse in both facilities management and coordination of events. Shima believes in running a well-paced program which can allow for participants to develop properly through a good outdoor education approach.
Over the past 4 years of managing MOE Dairy Farm Adventure Centre (DFAC), she has been creating new programs (Great Cow Chase, Outdoor Survival Camps, etc) for DFAC, which engages participants in the best possible way. Clients compliment Shima to be “sincere & energetic”.
Diploma in Human Resource Management
Cert. Behavioural Consultant (DISC Profiling)
The Student Leadership Challenge Facilitator
Challenge Ropes Course Instructor (Certified by Ian Wade)
International Camp Director Course (ICDC) Trainer (by International Camping Fellowship (ICF)
Habitudes Trainer (Growing Leaders by Dr Tim Elmore)
Sembawang BB/GB Camp ‘Hang-Out’ Specialist Trainer
Abseiling Level 3 Instructor (Singapore Mountaineering Federation SNAS)
Dragon Boat Recreation Coach (SDBA)
MOE Licensed Instructor for Outdoor Adventure Facilities
MOE Facilitation Course by Dr Roger Greenaway
Standard First Aid
Wilderness First Aid
Keelboat Level 1
Teamwork & Teamplay by Dr Jim Cain
Customer Service Course (SIM)
PADI Open Water Diver
Commonwealth Palace Women League Soccer 2000
Enhanced Facilitation by Pivotal Learning (2019)
Intentional Adventure Programming by Pivotal Learning (2019)
Process Facilitation by Pivotal Learning (2019)
ACCT Challenge Course Manager (2019)

Senior Program Executive - Juana Jones
Driven with a passion for the Youth, Jones joined InnoTrek in 2007 as a trainer in the capacity of a part-timer. Due to her positive work attitude and exceptional performance, Juana was offered a full time position and joined the team officially on 11 February 2008. Since then, she has proven time and again to be an asset to the organization.
Padi Open Water Diver
Leave No Trace Trainer
Abseiling Proficiency Course level 1, 2 & 3
Standard First Aid, CPR & AED Certified
Kayaking 1 Star & 2 star
Kayaking Expedition Leader Course
Trainer Facilitation Level 2
Effective Framing Skills by Ryan McCormick (Project Adventure)
SEL Character & Development Workshop by Ryan McCormick (Project Adventure)
Sembawang BB/GB Camp ‘Hang-Out’ Specialist Trainer
Rescue Course for Outdoor Adventure Facilities
Teamwork & Teamplay by Dr Jim Cain
Outward Bound Singapore Symposium 2016
MOE Liscense Instructor for Outdoor Adventure
OBS Challenge Course Instructor Level 2
Cotton On Group Leader Management Course
Cotton On Group Leadership GROW Workshop
Supervisory Management Course
Sports Climbing Level 1
International Camp Director Course by International Camp Fellowship
ACCT Challenge Course Manager (2019)
Enhanced Facilitation by Pivotal Learning (2019)
Intentional Adventure Programming by Pivotal Learning (2019)
Process Facilitation by Pivotal Learning (2019)

Program Executive - Chin Juo Wi
Juo Wi first entered the outdoor industry through InnoTrek Pte Ltd back in 2011. His passion for grooming the next generation kept him going all these years, even until now. Leadership camps and programs are his forte. Using tools like Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Tuckman's stages of group formation, Habitudes and, but not limited to, Barry & Posner's The Leadership Challenge, Juo Wi has groomed and enhanced the lives of many an aspiring leader. In 2013, he was offered the opportunity to helm and manage cohort camps as the Camp Chief. Since then, he has groomed many other Camp Chiefs, of which some are still actively contributing in the industry.
In 2019, he was part of a team of Singapore Specialists that headed to Guangzhou, China to run a summer camp for over 1200 Chinese students. Over there, other than imparting important and valuable life skills to their foreign friends, Juo Wi was part of the team that certified students for SFA+AED and SNCS Level 1.
OBS Challenge Course Instructor Level 2
Singapore National Climbing Standards Level 2
Singapore National Abseiling Standards Level 2
Standard First Aid
Basic Cardiac Life Saving + AED
Basic Cardiac Life Saving + AED Instructor
SSI Certified Open Water Diver